Web Design
Nina Kajiji, Ph.D.


Corporate Website:  www.nkd-group.com

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Nov 2009 - Current:

Efficient and Continuous Municipal Bond Yield Curve Estimation.  The purpose of the project is to develop an automated municipal bond daily yield curve estimation algorithm with auto-push control.

Client: Thomson Reuters, Boston, MA

Oct 2009 - June 2011:

Develop, administer, and analyze a Customer Satisfaction Survey for all participants and non-participants of the DC-457 Pension Plan.  Estimated population: 20,000.

Client: Office of Finance and Treasury, Washington, DC.

Summers 2002, 2003:

Efficient Modeling and Classification of Chemical Descriptors of Psychotherapeutic Compounds: Application of a Simulation Enhanced Closed Form Bayesian Radial Basis Function Neural Network.

Client: Pfizer Global Research and Development, Groton, CT.

1992 - 1994:

Health Services Medical Records System.  The system maintained the medical record of all Univeristy of Rhode Island students that visited and used the services provided by the on-campus Health Services office.  The system also provided instant online access to the Bursars office, a 5 min appointment systems, as well as, detailed statistical reporting of resources and services utilizied

Client: Health Services, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.

1988 - 2011:

Developed a constrained transportation algorithm to minimizing the transportation costs associated with the delivery of Tyson products nationally.

Client: Tyson Foods, Inc., Springdale, AR.

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