Degrees and Certifications:
B.Com University of Bombay, India (1980)
MBA University of Rhode Island (1982)
M.S. in Statistics, University of Rhode Island (1991)
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of Rhode Island (2001)
pstat® Accredited Professional StatisticianTM (2013-2018)
Consulting Nina is a Principal of the NKD Group, Inc. The firm produces web-enabled analytical and decision-making software for the student market. The main product, WinORSe-AI, incorporates principles of financial engineering, statistics, operations research, and economics primarily for students of business. Research models using WinORSe-AI have been presented to capital market professionals in Italy, India, Thailand, South Africa, Lithuania, Turkey, and the UK. Recently, Dr. Kajiji presented classification and prediction models developed using the proprietary Neural Network model K4 and K7 to researchers in the field of education in Tunisia, Germany, Canada, and Turkey.
Research & Publishing Nina’s principal research interest centers on the application of econometric and multivariate data techniques to research problems facing the financial services industry and in the field of education. As part of her Masters’ thesis development, she applied factor analytic methods to the construction of a market optimal insurance industry price index. As part of her dissertation, she enhanced a traditional radial basis function neural network by incorporating closed-form solution to the regularization parameters. The network was used to predict volatility of the S&P 500 Options on Futures from high-frequency data. Recently, she has extended the univariate RBF network algorithm so that it can now solve multivariate problems. Additionally, her interest in the field of operational research has led to the development of a combinatorial non-linear goal programming algorithm.
Dr. Kajiji’s research has been published in: International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Applied Operations Research, Lecture Notes in Management Science, Canadian Journal of Operational Research and Information Processing (INFOR), Operational Research, The African Finance Journal, The Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, and Journal of Computing and e-Systems. Dr. Kajiji has also contributed chapters for edited books. The most recent is the Recent Advances in Computational Finance. Besides Dr. Kajiji has also published analytical software in financial engineering, statistics, and operations research (with Dr. Dash). The two-volume set is entitled: Operations Research Software, Volumes I and II (Richard D. Irwin, Inc.). Other publications include 9 years of Information Works! the official State Report Card that measures Rhode Island schools for change. This was a yearly publication that was jointly produced by the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Currently, Dr. Kajiji is co-authoring an e-book titled, Applied Risk Management: Fundamentals of Derivatives and Automated Trading.
Teaching In addition to her research and programming responsibilities, Nina has taught several courses in Statistics, Time Series Analysis, Operations Research, and Finance at the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, and Johnson & Wales University. She was invited as a Visiting Professor of Statistics at the University of Palermo's international MBA program, ISIDA. where she taught Advanced Multivariate Methods.